Anglický jazyk - príspevky žiakov i učiteľov:)
urMeeting with an English lector CHRIS
Stretnutie s anglickým lektorom CHRISOM
Yesterday the 4th of April 2011, we had a meeting with an English lector Chris. He is 29 years old and he is from London. He knows only few Slovak words, so we could speak almost everything in English. He thinks, that Slovak people are very nice and life in Slovakia is slowly than life in London.
We could compare different way of life and school system in Great Britain and Slovakia, too. Chris tried to describe the typical school uniform from UK.
He has lived in Poprad only for two months with his Slovak girlfriend. We asked him a lot of questions and he tried to answered them with typical English sense of humour. He was very funny. Chris likes listen to music – hip-hop and R´n´B. He was very nice. It was great lesson.
Students 7.A, 8.A and 9.A
Včera 4. apríla 2011 sme mali stretnutie s anglickým lektorom Chrisom. Má 29 rokov a je z Londýna. Vie iba niekoľko slovenských slov, takže sme mohli hovoriť takmer všetko v angličtine. On si myslí, že Slováci sú veľmi milí a život na Slovensku je pomalší ako život v Londýne.
Mohli sme porovnávať rozdielny spôsob života a školský systém vo Veľkej Británii a tiež na Slovensku. Chris sa pokúsil opísať typickú školskú uniformu z UK.
Býva v Poprade zatiaľ len 2 mesiace so svojou priateľkou Slovenkou. Pýtali sme sa ho mnoho otázok a on sa snažil odpovedať na ne s typickým Anglickým zmyslom pre humor. Bol veľmi zábavný. Chris rád počúva hudbu – hip-hop a R´n´B. Bol veľmi milý. Bola to skvelá hodina.
Žiaci 7.A, 8.A a 9.A
Anglicko-slovenské divadelné predstavenie koncipované ako inscenovaná učebná pomôcka
Recenzia divadelného predstavenia
Zo zdanlivo neškodnej náhody v živote dvojičiek Jacka a Joe-a zo Sakramenta sa pred očami divákov odohráva vtipný príbeh nabitý akciou o záchranu života. Veľké množstvo postáv charakterizujúcich život v USA, dodáva divadelnej hre dynamiku a divák je tým vtiahnutý do deja. Každá z javiskových postáv má charakteristický iný jazykový prejav. Anglický hovorený text je rozdelený do niekoľkých príbehových častí formou dialógu. V slovenskom jazyku odznelo dejové resumé, takže predstavenie je vhodné aj pre menej zdatných angličtinárov. K tomu sme dostali aj pracovné materiály s gramatikou a cvičeniami na upevnenie slovnej zásoby, ktoré sme vypracovali na nasledujúcej hod. AJ v škole. Mgr. Ľubomíra Válková, AJ
Postrehy žiakov:
* The theatre performance was a funny story about Jack and Joe two brothers-twins. Jack was the clever one and he took care about his silly brother, when he ate poisonous mushrooms. He travelled around the USA to find a doctor. He met many people and finally saved life of his brother. And everyone was happy. ( Katka, 9.A)
* I like it. It was very funny. The show was great! I laughed too much. It was in English, but I understood everything what they said. I think it was about a real life, but people aren´t so stupid as they played. ( Sandra, 8.A)
* On Friday the 15th of April 2011 we were at the teathre. Main characters Jack and Joe were in the forest near Sacramento. They found mushrooms and Joe tasted them, but it was poisonous, so he felt sick. Jack tried to help him, he ran to the mountains, he foundaggressive Sheriff, but no doctor. Then he met an old soldier, who gave him an underground ticket. Here he met suicide man and he saved his life. Than they went to a popconcert of Big Daddy, who gave him money to help his brother Joe. He met a motorcycle driver woman, who took him to the Indian doctor. She had a medicine for Joe. Finally he saved his life. (Katka, 9.A)
* I liked the play, I could understand everything, too. The actors performed just well and we also had a good laugh. It was almost fully in English language. (Juraj, 8.A)
An interesting lesson of English
The 23rd of September 2010
We had a discussion with Nataly – a lector from South Africa on Thursday. We really enjoyed this lesson. It was something completely new for everyone in our class.
Our teacher, Ms. Válková invited her friend from choir.
Nataly is a very sympathetic and an interesting person. She came from Africa with her Slovak husband and they´ve lived in Poprad with their son Palko (5 years old) since 2002.
She was born in The Cape Town near the capital city Pretoria. She isn´t very tall, her skin is black and her hair is naturally very curly.
Nataly told us about life, culture and nature in South Africa and she showed us postcards and money. All of paper money had an animal motive. Then she told us about their school system and the weather in Africa. „Home is home...“ she said.
First time when she tasted ´bryndzové halušky´, she was scared, but now she likes it. The typical African food is with vegetables-potatoes, beans and garlic.
We asked about problem with racism and she said, you must think positively not negative. The colour of your skin isn´t important-black or white.
She can speak English, Dutch, German and she is learning Slovak language for 2 years, too.
We asked her a lot of questions about Africa and her life in Slovakia and she always answered.
When we finished the debate, our teacher took some group photos of us and Nataly.
We were glad to know her and hope we will have one more lesson with her. It was really nice experience for everyone in our class.
We would like to say thank you our teacher Ms. Válková for organize it.
Students from class 9.A and 8.A
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Popis k obr. na webe:
- Nataly as a teacher
- Photos of The Table Mountains
- Nataly as a speaker
- Questions
- Group photo 9.A
- Group photo 9.A
- The South Africa on the map
- Photos from South Africa
- Interesting questions
- Picture of The Cape Town
- Next pictures
- Discussion
- Debate
- Group photo 8.A
Popis k textu na webe:
Ako priblížiť deťom ľudí inej farby pleti? Pozvať ich na besedu... Tak sa rasové problémy stali nepodstatné. Angličtina je úradný jazyk aj v Afrike!
Prečo majú černosi kučeravé vlasy? Jedia sa v Afrike chrobáky? Chutia Afričanom bryndzové halušky? Posúdťe sami...
Mgr. Ľubomíra Válková, AJ